Hello Everyone,
Now that fall has arrived, I find I’m faced with an old dilemma: which is more beautiful, sumac or goldenrod? When I feel overwhelmed by this, I simply turn my attention back to my musical activities; I’m very excited about some upcoming musical projects:
First of all, with the help of many friends, I’m establishing a Community Café at Joe and Edgar’s Cafe. This will be a celebration of community with an informal evening of music, stories and more. Yours truly will play guitar and act as host and there will be guest performers as well. (The first café will feature the Artamus Guitar Trio and Lisa Philpott, clarinet.)
Our theme is unity, at both the individual and community level; to that end, net proceeds from the tariff (a free-will offering) will be donated to a local charity chosen by you: each guest can name their favourite local charity and we will have a draw for the recipient of that evening’s ‘gate’.
I’d like to start by offering the Café once a month; the first two are scheduled to be held on Friday, Oct. 24 and Friday, Nov. 21. at Joe and Edgar’s Café who, as co-sponsors, have graciously donated their space for our project; in fact they will keep the kitchen open during the café to satisfy any cravings you may have!
If you’d like to help with this venture, please spread the word! Also, we could use a couple of volunteers to help with the door – please let me know if you can do that.
Scroll down to view some FAQ about the venture…
Community Café
Friday, Oct. 24, 7:30 pm
Joe and Edgar's Café,
255 Horton St E, London, ON
Admission by donation
FAQ: Answers to some of the questions you may have re: the Community Café:
Kevin, can I bring friends?
Yes please, the more the merrier! I’ve attached a simple poster that you can print and post, or, print it six to a page to make handouts…
Where does the money go?
All the money, less a stipend* for the co-ordinator (that’s me) and nominal expenses (PA rental, some printing) will be donated to a local charity determined by the audience…
Will there be music?
And more! Guest performers include the Artamus Guitar Trio and Lisa Philpott, clarinet…
Will Kevin talk too much?
Almost certainly…
Is this the only time you’re doing this?
We hope to do this on a monthly basis, but you should come to the first one just in case…
Will there be food?
The restaurant will be open for this event and will offer their full menu…
How can I help?
Spread the word! Also, I need two volunteers to help with the door (taking money and recording charity choices, etc.)
*In addition to my role as the primary performer/moderator, I have taken on overall coordinator of the café with duties such as promotion, booking guest performers, remitting the gifts to the charities, etc. To that end I will take a fee of ½ the ‘gate’ to a maximum of $150.